Is Offshore Outsourcing Worth the Effort?

Sourcing custom cable assemblies offshore is a nail biting, daunting task for some, while resourceful customers who have done their homework place purchase orders with capable manufacturers and forget about them (and sleep at night too!). Why are these tasks almost intolerable to many and so favorable to others? Choosing your supplier wisely will make all the difference.

Consider this…
While many customers have great history records on individual parts and sufficient ERP systems in place for a clear snapshot on forecasting (one of the pre- requisites for sourcing offshore), choosing a manufacturing partner can be stressful, if not totally unnerving. Placing orders with an unknown factory in a different time zone thousands of miles away, long lead times, potential language and communication barriers, gives most of us heartburn and promotes additional questions:

  • How long will it take to get a first article?
  • Will the cables match the drawing?
  • Will production parts duplicate first articles?
  • How about quality?
Just like any domestic supplier, you are dependent on the offshore supplier you choose to perform as they have promised. But, what if they don't? Besides personal embarrassment, you have rejected parts, lines down, and ultimately, your customers to answer to. Choosing a local supplier with an established reputation is the appropriate answer for many.